British Drilling Association – Membership Organisation

The British Drilling Association (BDA) is a trade association formed in 1976. It represents all aspects of the drilling sector, as well as striving to meet the needs, activities and ambitions of its membership. Although its remit is wide, its core aims are to improve efficiency, health & safety awareness and standards in the industry, promote and support scientific research into drilling techniques, promote and support the training and education of any personnel involved in the drilling industry including drilling operatives, supervisors, apprentices and engineers, and collaborate with other related associations both in the UK and abroad to advance our industry

Whilst the organisation is well respected within the drilling sector, the BDA identified a need to broaden its reach within the drilling and wider construction industry, and a need to engage more with its existing members as well as increase membership.

Jooce was appointed (October 2016) by the BDA to investigate ways of addressing the needs and issues it had raised. Jooce identified a number of immediate quick-fixes as well as more long-term initiatives that could be implemented. Specifically, Jooce designed a Public Relations (PR) programme that would not only raise the profile of the BDA but would also allow the organisation a platform from which to boast about its many achievements and at the same time provide a greater public outlet for discussing the issues facing both its members and the drilling sector as a whole.

The PR programme includes a regular series of press releases, covering all aspects of issues affecting the BDA and drilling industry, with the angle always firmly on how the BDA is addressing such issues, mental health being one example, as well as the benefits of membership. In addition, and where the subject matter was appropriate, Jooce adapts the work of the Association’s many working committees into articles that are placed in the many geotechnical media. A regular column, authored by the BDA Chair, was negotiated with a number of monthly print publications, allowing the Association a regular platform to air wider construction issue and allow the BDA an outlet for the discussion of problems facing the industry. A regular monthly eNewsletter was also implemented, which together with a structured social media programme allows the BDA to better connect with members but also potential members, positioning it as a fresh, vibrant and relevant Association.

Since Jooce was appointed and the many initiatives implemented, the BDA has seen an increase in membership, reaching record number for the Association. Through the support of Jooce, assisting in securing top-level speakers, the Association also ran its first profitable series of seminars, with feedback exceeding its expectations and those of delegates.

In addition, the social media activity and eNewsletters combined have built a bidirectional communications channel to members that has improved response times to issues raised, as well as improving the dissemination of information about BDA-run event, and allowing it to negotiate reciprocal publicity agreements and member discounts for external events.

Please see the full PDF of this case study here.