Twitter – Do’s and Don’ts

For those who aren’t sure exactly what it is, Twitter is a social media site/tool which is used to raise the profile of your business/brand and engage with the industry; clients; followers; prospects. It’s an online world of networking/connectivity where you find out what’s going on in ‘real time’ – you can speak with people who follow you in ‘real time’.  Twitter gives you another platform to promote your business, another route to market, a voice!  Twitter also helps increase the ranking of your website, if you add backlinks on your Twitter posts which include your website address.

Below are the do’s and don’ts of Twitter (based on good practice and my own experience):


  • Know your audience – or the audience you want to attract
  • Re-tweet interesting/relevant tweets that you read that may be of interest/use to your followers
  • Tweet when you launch a new product
  • Tweet when you have offers/discounts available
  • Tweet media coverage that your business gets
  • Re-tweet any positive Tweets that you get
  • Comment on trends and tips that are relevant to your business/audience
  • Keep it real, don’t be afraid to be ‘human’ – people like to interact with ‘people’ rather than ‘brands/companies’
  • Follow people/companies who are relevant to your business/target audience (followers) – then re-tweet their tweets if you think that your followers will find them useful
  • Follow relevant journals/magazines/TV programmes/websites, etc, etc.  This will allow you to keep up with what’s happening in your sector.


  • Say anything that you wouldn’t say to someone’s face
  • Say anything contentious that could cause negative PR for you or your business
  • Say anything negative about competitors
  • Sell, sell, sell
  • Use bad/inappropriate language/words
  • Get into an argument (it’s hard to take back words said in anger – you can delete posts, but the damage may already be done)

To talk to Jooce about how we can help manage your Twitter account contact Amanda on