Awards – Self Indulgent or Opportunity Knocking?

Awards – ‘they’re a waste of time’, ‘fixed’, ‘self-indulgent’, ‘what’s the point’ and ‘they’re just an excuse to flog a few tables and get drunk’ – these are all the comments I have heard over the years about the many industry awards out there, but whilst they probably get more than their fair share of criticism in the marketing mix, are they really that bad?

No matter what sector you work in, we all like to be recognised and rewarded for the work we do, the novel solution to a problem we have created or simply for going the extra mile on behalf of a client. This is where Awards come in to their own and if entered correctly, with the intention to maximise what they can offer, they can have many beneficial positive outcomes, even if ultimately you don’t go on to win.

For starters entering awards can really motivate your workforce and the impact on the reputation of your business is even greater. Being shortlisted or winning creates numerous ‘PR’ opportunities that have that all important third-party ‘judged’ endorsement, which proves to your customers that you don’t just have to take your word for being good! And Awards are also the prize that keeps on giving – the pre-, post and on-going PR you can generate on the back of them is really worth something, and who doesn’t want the tagline – “Award-Winning…” associated with their business?

Also, in the grand scheme of things, even the odd table at the ceremony has its advantages – it puts you and / or your business out there and if the ‘it’s just a jolly’ comments are squashed from the off, awards can be business-beneficial to you, for work, for recruiting and for publicity.

So next time you see an award you can enter, don’t dismiss it out of hand – think of it as an opportunity, and if you need help, contact a PR agency who will be able to show you how to make the best out of the whole awards process. Oh and remember – few other marketing activities offer then same benefits and opportunities whether you “Win, Lose or Draw”.