Beware of Social Media Overload

More is better right? So when it comes to social media the need to post something often and regularly is good for the algorithms and good for business, but is this true?

Posting on social media channels regularly is good, but care needs to be taken to ensure that the content actually has value and is what your audience wants, or you could see your reach suffer. Hitting the sweet spot can be tricky, as it depends on your audience (B2B, B2C, niche or mass market), how many followers you have, and can realistically expect, and if you engage in any paid for activity. For many businesses’ success should not simply be measured by numbers of followers, more it is how people engage with your posts – comments, questions, shares etc., unless of course your only desire is branding and its awareness, which cannot be ignores for many consumer products!

For most businesses selling to businesses there is usually a message that needs conveying, an innovation that needs promoting or some other product advantage explained to differentiate one offering or company from another. These generally mean engaging with your followers – potential customers – so that you can anticipate, or even encourage questions or queries about your offering and create a dialogue. Simply shouting out messages at your audience might get you’re a few more followers each week, but the growing following will soon become bored and, whilst still following you (it takes effort to unfollow), are no more likely to buy products or services than before.

So, before you plan your “need to post something” strategy, consider your audience, the messages you wish to convey and question if you are actually connecting with your customers or simply spouting rubbish at them, which could quite realistically be falling on deaf ears!