Blogging for Business: Why do it?

Businesses are constantly looking for effective ways to grow their brand, engage with customers, and drive success. In an age where engagement is the driving force to sales, one often overlooked yet incredibly powerful tool in achieving these goals is blogging. 

Starting a blog is not only quick and easy, but also extremely beneficial for your business, no matter the industry.

But why should you consider adding a blog to your business strategy?

Drive Conversions and Profits

The more engaging content is released, the more your website will be visited by your target market, and for a longer period. While they’re there, they may as well take a look through the rest of your platform and find something they like.

Engaging content means that not only will they hang around on the page for longer, but they’re also more likely to return, or share it with their peers.

Even if your reader decides to pass on the opportunity to take advantage of your product or services, an engaging blog ensures that they’ll keep you in mind for a more suitable occasion that arises.

Become an Industry Authority

Want to be differentiated from your competitors? Blogging is a great way to display your expertise without outright bragging about it.

You can use your blog posts to your advantage by sharing your unique insights, opinions on relevant topics, past experiences and the results that you can deliver. It shows that you became a part of your industry because you have a passion for what you do.

Once you become a trusted source of information, you’ll begin to foster loyalty amongst your audience.

Free Content for your Socials

To boost your blog’s engagement, sharing it on social media is a popular technique. In fact, according to Statista, 90% of bloggers use social media to reach a wider audience. 

Social media will likely be the cause of a large portion of engagement on your blog post, and your followers may even come to anticipate your next release. Quality blog posts can be shared by others, increasing your reach and promoting your brand organically.

However, sharing your blog on social media is just the tip of the iceberg. A single blog post can be repurposed into multiple short-form social media posts using just a small section of your published content. This can even provide content to revisit further down the line.

Brand Promotion

Diving deep into the details of your brand or industry is not often the best copywriting technique for product branding, website landing pages or even social media posts.

The loophole? Blog posts.

For those who are more interested in learning the finer details of the trade, or aren’t quite sure if they’re convinced and want to know more about what they’d potentially spend their money on, blog posts allow businesses to share as much information as they want to, to promote their products.

As well as information about their products, readers can learn more about the culture, the business insights, experiences, and anything else that businesses want to share.

Website Traffic and SEO

The more a website is updated, the more likely it is that it will appear higher up in the organic rankings of search engines. 

Additionally, by consistently releasing content, there is a higher opportunity to implement SEO strategies into individual blog posts, which drives more traffic to the website in general.

Generate Long Term Traffic

Unless removed from your site, each blog post will be live and discoverable forever. That means long after you have finished promoting it, your blog posts can continue to drive traffic.

In fact, it’s likely that the majority of your sales will come from past, long forgotten posts.

As long as topics remain relevant, somebody will always need the answer that you may have provided months or even years ago.

Humanise Your Brand

Brands can appear to be nothing more than a screen full of information, or a list of products and services. By blogging for your business, your audience will see a different side to you.

By sharing stories, company culture and values, answering frequently asked questions, celebrating events and the personalities behind your business, your brand instantly becomes more relatable and trustworthy to the average consumer.

So, is blogging for business worth it?

By incorporating a well-maintained blog into your strategy, you can differentiate your brand, provide valuable content, and support long-term growth. It’s quick, easy, and extremely effective.