Jooce Marketing & PR Appoints Head of Social Media

Following several successful social media management account wins, Jooce Marketing & PR, one of the UK’s leading niche construction sector marketing companies, has appointed Amanda Barron as its Head of Social Media Management.

The new Division, which will be headed Amanda Barron, will provide specialist social media marketing management and support to businesses in the construction sector, including membership organisations operating in the specialist construction sector.

Speaking about the appointment Debbie Darling, Managing Director of Jooce Marketing & PR, said: “Over the last few months we have won a number of social media management accounts and it seems logical to support these and new accounts better through a dedicated and more focussed resource. To date Jooce’s social media management work has delivered measurable success for its clients, as our vast experience of the construction sector has allowed us to deliver targeted and strategic campaigns, which have returned many times over on client’s investment with us”.

Speaking about the appointment, Amanda Barron, Head of Social Media Management at Jooce, commented “Jooce has a proven track record of success in the construction and niche-geotechnical sector, from housing projects through to large infrastructure projects, all of whom see the benefits of social media and the impact it has on their business. My appointment will build upon this track record attracting new clients looking to exploit social media channels to the full and extending their brand’s reach and adding value to their existing PR and paper-based advertising.”

Jooce currently works with companies spanning the foundations and geotechnical sectors, through to specialist trades, such as drilling and construction recruitment and is actively involved in managing social media campaigns to drive new business and extend brand reach.