Picture this…

… You have a great project or story to tell and then you spoil it all by matching it with a poor snapshot picture taken hastily on your mobile phone!

Today we’re all sold the ability to be a great photographer with every phone boasting, one, two, even three or more lenses, low light capabilities and more filters than Costa Coffee. Reality though is that the picture is only as good as the person taking it and any number of lenses and filters won’t take a ‘good’ picture without some thought and planning.

So where to start? Actually remembering to take a photograph is a good start! So many times, we are told about a great project a client has completed and yet they have absolutely no visual record of the work they have done and which the media will want if you have any hope of getting your work published.

A picture really does speak a thousand words, so if you find yourself working on a great project or have an outstanding bit of work, then get a professional photographer in to catalogue the work done. It costs far less than you might think and the results will be amazing, with the shots useable across many marketing channels – from website and brochures to social media and the press.

The second point worth noting and of importance, whether you take the shots yourself or engage a professional – ensure everything in shot is safe and legal – if on a construction site make sure PPE is being worn and try to get your and logo included in the photo, where possible, to ensure you maximise the exposure of your company. Of course, be subtle, but do include it!

These days so much of what we do marketing-wise is visual, or certainly visually augmented, especially with the short attention-grabbing opportunities offered by social media. Think PHOTO and build the story around it – whether a case study, social media post, press release, or a few words for your website or company brochure – a photograph will be half the job done!