Social Media – Like it or Loath it…

Social Media – like it or loath it – is here to stay and managed correctly it can truly engage with your customer and impact your bottom line!

However, whilst most of us know our way around the various platforms, to get the best out of each requires strategy, experience and content and this can only be provided by a specialist social media company such as Jooce.

Jooce has a wealth of experience of social media marketing, including LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, and can manage all social media for your business, starting with the development of a strategy based on your business aims and ensuring that you engage with your audience correctly.

Jooce will also recognise your brand’s character and communicate it, ensuring messages are both consistent and true – the latter often lost with some companies and to their long-term detriment.

Knowing not what to say is just as important and knowing what to say, and this can be essential if you want to avoid those so-called “twitter storms” which can all too easily out of control. Engaging with a specialist will help you with this, whilst aligning all activity with that of your business aims and objectives.

Wearing many hats is not a good approach – stick to what you do best and allow a specialist to take your company’ a social profile to the max!