The Webinar Comes of Age

If COVID-19 has taught us anything, it is the need for businesses to find new and innovative ways to engage with their clients. With face-to-face meetings a no-go, the webinar has finally come of age; that once staple of academia is now an almost day-to-day tool of many businesses, and if it is not already then should really be considered as part of your marketing mix.

Webinars can be events, video presentations, workshops, seminars, training sessions or classroom lectures, but hosted online and delivered using a webinar conferencing software.

The key to a webinar’s success is that, unlike many other forms of marketing, it is an interactive two-way form of communication, with the host able to share information with invited attendees and often other presenters, as well as vice versa, all in real time.

Normally delivered live, webinars enable that all important real-time interactivity, which can allow you to not only bond with your client base but learn from them too.

A note of caution – the sell is soft via the education you provide – and you should leave your attendees with greater knowledge and if the topic is about a product, then equipped with the information to make an informed choice to buy or not.

Give it a go – you might be a little shaky at first, but people see past that if your content is good!