There’s more to Marketing than Social Media

In these days of Twitter, Facebook and other social media outlets it would be all too easy to dismiss the role of tradition print-based media as a tool in your marketing mix. However, stick your head through the door of any good-sized newsagents and you’ll see wall-to-wall magazines on pretty much every topic imaginable. Look into the business-to-business, trade and technical media and you can multiply this number by at least a factor or 10.

The thing is, too many businesses think that posting a tweet about their “latest and greatest” will lead to untold enquiries and wealth, when it should be viewed more as an integral part of the marketing mix. Sure, the social media buzz of some products and services will help and does have a role to play, but to ignore the many other channels of the marketing mix is to cut off valuable routes for exposure.

Nothing annoys a potential customer more than the all-to-frequent “like us on Facebook” type offers that seem to be the norm, when all you are effectively reaching is those customers on Facebook. Depending on the audience, exiting or potential, for your product and services, you could be missing a large customer base!

To fully maximise your business and its opportunities, it is wise to take a multi-channel marketing approach, using all available outlets and that STILL includes print-based. All interfaces your company and people have with potential customers are important, and this “Public Relations” if delivered correctly across multiple platforms on- and offline can not only generate the interest in your products and services you want but will also put you in front of the widest possible customer base – and that means more sales.