Top 5 Reasons to Write a Press Release

I’m often asked by clients and prospective clients “why should we issue press releases”?  If I had a pound for every response, I’d be lying on a beach somewhere hot right now, but alas no, instead I’m writing a quick blog ‘Top 5 Reasons to Write a Press Release’ – and not just write it, issue it to the media and promote the release via social media channels.

So, here’s the top 5 reasons your business should be writing and issuing press releases – regularly (1 per month minimum).

Business Introduction: If you have just started your business, launched a new product or added new features to the existing one, a press release is the best way to let people know about it. You can inform the public about why your product or service stands out from the crowd.

Business Promotion: Press releases can be written to promote a person, business, product, service, event, idea, contest, fundraiser and many more.

Educate/Entertain: A business owner can target his or her audience by sharing knowledge about the industry. Discuss company growth, current trends, updates and other topics that may interest the targeted audience.

Link Building: A press release is one of the best ways of getting backlinks. Google shows press releases in their search results. A business’ most important keywords should be used as anchor text in a press release. The anchor text will link to the appropriate pages on your website. When a press release is distributed, these links are submitted to various distributors’ sites, giving a business website better inbound links.

Organic Traffic: Properly optimized press releases have a higher chance of getting good rankings from the search engines. This means free traffic to business websites.

To discuss PR with Jooce please contact Debbie Darling –