Writing to be heard




We can all copywrite yes? But can we write copy that gets read and more importantly, gets your message across?

In today’s fast-paced communications environment, with its multi-channel media outlets, you need to communicate effectively with your intended target audience and that often means getting the help and advice from someone who has the time-served experience of knowing what works.

Of course, you know your customers better than anyone, but knowing what and how best to communicate with them is a different matter. Often, it is the fresh approach of a copywriter that can open or build lines of communications with existing and potential customers that you never thought possible – and it ISN’T just about so-called “Good Grammar”, it is about making an impact and attracting attention!

Time is money too – and you’d be surprised how quickly a professional copywriter is at delivering the goods – probably far more cost-effectively that the time you would spend simply wondering where to start.

And don’t just think copywriters are for the big documents in your business – copywriters can help with letters, brochures, flyers, direct mail as well as online outlets such as websites and social media. They can even help optimise copy for search engines – critical for helping with those ever-important rankings.

So, next time you reach for your pen, or your keyboard, ask if you really are the best person to write the copy and wouldn’t a bit of outside help make your life easier, and your copy more effective…