Author: Debbie

  • Jooce Marketing & PR Sponsors the Mere Golf Club, Cheshire

    Jooce Marketing & PR Sponsors the Mere Golf Club, Cheshire

    Jooce Marketing & PR is pleased to be a sponsor of The Mere Golf Club, in Knutsford, a championship golf course nestled in the heart of Cheshire. Jooce’s sponsorship of the club will see its branding prominently displayed in key areas of the club and website, as well as opening business opportunities through the attendance…

  • Marketing in a Post-COVID World

    Marketing in a Post-COVID World

    In the grand scheme of things, few businesses can say they have been truly unaffected by the coronavirus, with its affects impacting well beyond simply loss of work. However, just as we have had to simply ‘deal with it” personally from a risk perspective, businesses too have had to adapt from exploring remote working through…

  • True Perspective in Uncertain Times…

    True Perspective in Uncertain Times…

    You really must be living in a cave, cut off from all media not to be engaged to some degree in the evolving crisis that is COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and phrases like ‘new normal’ and ‘uncharted territory’ for once actually do have real meaning. One thing for sure is that we are in uncertain times, with…

  • The Power of LinkedIn

    The Power of LinkedIn

    Much has been written of the need to embrace social media in business – correctly of course – but in amongst the usual suspects, Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, LinkedIn is incorrectly pigeonholed as just ‘the place for job hunters.’ The thing is, whilst LinkedIn is a good place for job hunters, it is also…

  • Picture this…

    Picture this…

    Picture this… you have a great project or story to tell and then you spoil it all by matching it with a poor snapshot picture taken hastily on your mobile phone!

  • Your Face or Mine?

    Your Face or Mine?

    In today’s socially obsessed media-oriented world within which we do business, never has it been so important to give your business a face.

  • Where’s that marketing strategy??

    Where’s that marketing strategy??

    Go on, admit it, how many times have you looked at your marketing strategy and evaluated the work you do against it? So many organisations have a marketing strategy and sometimes it’s beautifully produced with lots of graphs and diagrams and even – we’ve seen – a glossy cover. However, beyond its usefulness as a…

  • PR starts at home!

    PR starts at home!

    Have you ever taken a long, hard look at your business – and I don’t mean examine it from a “business” or “financial” perspective, but actually look at your business as your customers see it?

  • Can you monetise PR?

    Can you monetise PR?

    “Making Money” – why do we view the phrase as a bit dirty? Maybe it’s down to historic social etiquette, which makes us reluctant to discuss it and to monetise anything we do, positioning cash made as more accident than by design.

  • On the Case

    On the Case

    It surprises me how few companies use case studies effectively. Case studies should be one of the most important tools in your marketing kit, primarily because they help make a product or service more realistic, whilst also presenting them in the context of a real-world environment.

  • Awards – Self Indulgent or Opportunity Knocking?

    Awards – Self Indulgent or Opportunity Knocking?

    Awards – ‘they’re a waste of time’, ‘fixed’, ‘self-indulgent’, ‘what’s the point’ and ‘they’re just an excuse to flog a few tables and get drunk’ – these are all the comments I have heard over the years about the many industry awards out there, but whilst they probably get more than their fair share of…

  • Here’s to Women in Construction!

    Here’s to Women in Construction!

    It was great to see so many women in attendance at the Ground Engineering Awards 2019. In fact, a record number of guests was matched with a record number of women attending, and I was proud to play my part by presenting the Community Engagement Award.