Author: Debbie

  • The Value of a Newsletter

    The Value of a Newsletter



    In today’s fast-paced social media world, with pretty much everything at your fingertips online you could be forgiven for thinking the newsletter is dead, but you couldn’t be more wrong!

  • Federation of Piling Specialists

    Jooce was invited to propose a number of solutions to help the Federation achieve its objectives, in addition to providing general media, PR and marketing support functions.

  • British Drilling Association – Membership Organisation

    Jooce was appointed (October 2016) by the BDA to investigate ways of addressing the needs and issues it had raised. Jooce identified a number of immediate quick-fixes as well as more long-term initiatives that could be implemented.

  • Why use a PR Agency?

    Why use a PR Agency?

    Jooce is often asked, why use a PR Agency – isn’t it better value to recruit or expand the role of someone already working in the marketing function? Whilst it is true that you can recruit or redeploy someone internally to look at the issue, this is rarely the best option.

  • Maximise your Investment in Social Media…

    Maximise your Investment in Social Media…



    In response to increasing demand, Jooce has launched a programme of Social Media Masterclasses – specifically covering LinkedIn; Twitter; Instagram and Facebook (business to business / business to consumer). Delivered by experts in the management and use of social media platforms, the Masterclasses are aimed at beginners to the world of social media.

  • LinkedIn – Dos and Don’ts



    LinkedIn is without question the leading business networking site, used to raise the profile of individuals and companies. The site is purely for business related activities and in no way should be treated like Facebook. The basic principal is you sign up (or your business creates a page) and request to ‘connect’ to people/businesses and/or…

  • Jooce is Proud to Support Manchester & Cheshire Dogs’ Home Charity Event – 30 March 2018

    Jooce is Proud to Support Manchester & Cheshire Dogs’ Home Charity Event – 30 March 2018



    Jooce Marketing & PR Ltd is proud to support the 2018 Manchester & Cheshire Dogs’ Home ‘Bond Evening’, which is being held on Friday, 30th March 2018, at Statham Lodge, Lymm, Cheshire. The event offers an evening of sophistication and glamour, with a sumptuous three-course meal, casino and DJ. Manchester & District Home for Lost…

  • Women in Construction – A Fashion Statement!

    Getting more women into construction isn’t easy; the job has a very male profile, has lingering perceptions of being a bit sexist and let’s face it, isn’t seen as the most glamorous of careers when stacked against the many other options out there. The ‘look’ isn’t up to much either, with most Personal Protective (PPE)…

  • Twitter – Do’s and Don’ts

    For those who aren’t sure exactly what it is, Twitter is a social media site/tool which is used to raise the profile of your business/brand and engage with the industry; clients; followers; prospects. It’s an online world of networking/connectivity where you find out what’s going on in ‘real time’ – you can speak with people who…

  • Beginners Guide to LinkedIn

    What is LinkedIn? Well, unless you live in a cave; have zero access to a computer and/or have zero interest in business to business (B2B) networking tools, then you’ll already know what LinkedIn is, but allow me to explain it in a clear and concise way.

  • Top 5 Reasons to Write a Press Release

    I’m often asked by clients and prospective clients “why should we issue press releases”? If I had a pound for every response, I’d be lying on a beach somewhere hot right now, but alas no, instead I’m writing a quick blog ‘Top 5 Reasons to Write a Press Release’ – and not just write it,…