Author: Debbie

  • Marketing and Sales – Same Thing?

    Marketing and Sales – Same Thing?



    It is surprising just how many companies we work with that view marketing and sales as pretty much the same thing. And I suppose at first glance they are – I mean, marketing and sales are functions both aimed at increasing revenue and their synergistic relationship means it is easy to miss the difference between…

  • Don’t put your eggs all in one basket

    Don’t put your eggs all in one basket



    With so much of the world’s attention focussed on Social Media – it is all too easy to forget that other channels of communication exist, and some of these may actually be more beneficial to your business and its products and services.

  • Branding & Logo – What’s the connection

    Branding & Logo – What’s the connection

    Though we could write pages and pages on the topic, in short blog speak, ‘branding’ is the personality of your business or organisation and encompasses the services it provides. It is the way you want your company viewed and how your target market – your customers – view you.

  • Join the STEM Ambassador programme

    Join the STEM Ambassador programme

    I’m proud to have started the process to become a STEM Ambassador. STEM Ambassadors are volunteers from a wide range of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) related jobs and disciplines across the UK. They offer their time and enthusiasm to help bring STEM subjects to life and demonstrate the value of them in life…

  • What is the price of expertise?

    What is the price of expertise?



    Sector specialist or not – is often a dilemma faced by clients on the lookout for a new PR agency – do you go for the ‘industry expert’ or a generalist with a spread of clients across many sectors?

  • Jooce Joins the Big Blue Ocean Cleanup

    Jooce Joins the Big Blue Ocean Cleanup



    Jooce Marketing & PR is delighted to be a member of the Ocean Protection Project – Big Blue Ocean Cleanup. The Big Blue Ocean Cleanup is committed to driving positive change towards clean oceans that support all marine wildlife and sustainable living. Its aim is to stop rubbish entering the oceans. Big Blue Ocean Cleanup…

  • The Big Event…

    The Big Event…

    Events, conferences and exhibitions are a bit like Marmite – you either love them or hate them! Some swear by their value whilst others see them little more than over-priced ‘jollies’, or in the case of conferences, tell you what you know already and charge you for the privilege, but is this true?

  • PR – You only get what you put in

    PR – You only get what you put in

    Good Public Relations (PR), that contributes to real bottom-line gains starts with being a good client. It’s easy to decide that you need PR, and you may make many an agency jump through several virtual hoops as your shortlist endeavours to guess your requirements, before settling on one that chimes with your ideas and vision…

  • The Case for Case Studies

    The Case for Case Studies



    Never underestimate the power of the third-party endorsement! Used correctly, and with the hard sell avoided, it can be more persuasive than almost every other form of marketing. The most common form is the simple case study – highlighting how a company, person or organisation has benefited from your product or service. It often takes…

  • There’s more to Marketing than Social Media

    There’s more to Marketing than Social Media

    In these days of Twitter, Facebook and other social media outlets it would be all too easy to dismiss the role of tradition print-based media as a tool in your marketing mix. However, stick your head through the door of any good-sized newsagents and you’ll see wall-to-wall magazines on pretty much every topic imaginable. Look…

  • The Value of a Newsletter

    The Value of a Newsletter



    In today’s fast-paced social media world, with pretty much everything at your fingertips online you could be forgiven for thinking the newsletter is dead, but you couldn’t be more wrong!